Saturday 16 June 2018

You And Me

You and Me
The roads were two
but the destiny was one
You lived in a street which was afar
I tried my best to stay away
I still remembered when we broke up
my heart was dead and tears were red
I was walking and walking
and crossing the lanes
Thinking of you in that pain
The birds were sitting on a tree
it made me remember of you and me
My heart was broken but there was a hope
you come to me and love me more
I reached my destiny and a feeling aroused
i turned back and found you
You came closer but i ignored
you said sorry, my heart got a hope
You proposed me and my heart melted
I said yes because i loved you more than myself
You hugged me and gave a smile
My story was complete in a litte while


New college, New friends
Oldes are still the best
I got a shock, my crush is here
Heart was pumping as he came near
We shook hands, as we knew each other
Got another shock as your girlfriend reach there
My heart was broken but a hope was there
As you said she was past, future is somewhere here
One year passed, as we became good friends
I was still shocked as well as happy at that moment
My diary was always with me, but don't know when it revealed
The moon was half, just as my heart
You got to know i like you in a hours
You came closer and took my hand
And said sorry for all that pain
Tears felt as we both cried
It was my diary, who gave my love for lifetime